A time to reflect and rejoice!

The first frost of the winter is upon us! We aren’t sure exactly when, but we are sure it will come. Later than expected perhaps but still soon enough. This marks the end of our 2021 flowering season, our second season growing in our flower field, and it marks the start of a new growing year. It’s a time to reflect and to rejoice.
When we started our little flower business, we had no expectations of where it would go and what it would become. In some respects, we still don’t. We do however have “values” that above all else, we want to uphold and cultivate.
Sustainability is at the core of what we believe in. “Naturally Glorious Flowers” is the strapline to our business and we hold the spirit of what it stands for very dearly.
“Glorious” reflects our desire to grow truly beautiful flowers. The kind that stops you in your tracks, those that are perfect for your occasion to evoke and make memories. We will keep working on that, to seek out the most beautiful blooms to grow alongside the stalwarts.
“Naturally” because of the very essence of the word. Growing in tune with the seasons, growing sustainably with respect to the environment, providing a haven for insects, birds, and all manner of other creatures. Rejoicing when we spot a hare, toad, or owl in the flower field. Nestling into our landscape and seeking inspiration, always, from the majestic oak trees on our boundaries. And growing naturally and organically in a manner that feels right and feels comfortable to us.
Reflecting on our two growing seasons, we can see progress. Nearly half of our growing space is now cultivated. We have increased our infrastructure; investments to assist us make a very physically demanding enterprise more achievable. But we can also see physiological progress. We entrusted the future of our hopes and dreams into the hands of talented people this year resulting in a beautiful online presence and an achingly beautiful logo and business branding. We’ve gained momentum and confidence. It feels right to be nestled into our landscape and it feels good to be nestling into a community of artesian flower growers who are seeking to bring an exciting seasonal and sustainable alternative offer to the flower market.
We can spend our winter months rejoicing the many highlights of the year, there have been many, enough to take us through to the spring and fuel our plans and aspirations for the future. We have had outstanding support from you, our customers, we are incredibly grateful. We hope that you will continue to follow us on our journey and continue to seek out flowers with meaning, purpose and life. Perhaps if we were pressed into highlighting just one truly joyous occasion, it would have to be Tim and Lizzies wedding. For us, not just a day but a week of love, laughter, friendship and of course flowers.